Money Management: Pricing Impact Income (Recording)

Pricing is the theme this month, and in this money management session we’ll be discussing how your pricing impacts your income. 

Vivienne will walk us through the customizable spreadsheet she created exclusively for the Red Key Club, to help figure out how much each of your income streams need to earn in order to pay all your bills and invest in long-term financial planning. 

My friend Vivienne (who joins us for these discussions), isn’t an accountant or financial planner/adviser. She has an MBA and a BS in finance, along with 30 years in all things non-profit administration including finance, operations, facility management, human resources, and general management.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 20 years and have dyscalculia, and so I originally started this discussion series as a place to talk about money in an open, down-to-earth, accessible way that’s specifically relevant to to sex workers.

This discussion was recorded in 2020

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